Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Papadopoulou Lina (Triantafyllia)

papadopoulou-linaLina Papadopoulou was born on January,8th 1971 in Greece. She studied Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, took the LL.M. Master in Law at the University of Trier and her PhD (on European Political Parties) at the University of Hanover, Germany and she completed her studies with a MSc in Political Theory at the London School of Economics, where she also taught European Law and conducted Post-doctoral research as a Marie Curie Fellow in the area of European Constitutional Law on the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Since 2002 she has been teaching at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in the beginning at the Faculty of Political Science Department (European Studies) and since 2004 at the Faculty of Law. She also teaches "Fundamental Issues of Law" at the Hellenic Open University. She has also taught for short periods at the London School of Economics (Great Britain), at the Summer School on European Integration of the Agder University in Kristiansand (Norway) and the 'Michail Psellos Master's in European Integration and European Public Law' in Istanbul. She has been a candidate for the European Parliament with PASOK (Panhellenic Socialist Movement) in 2009.

Her main academic interests include: the European Constitution, equality and non-discrimination issues, fundamental rights and democracy and she has recently published a monograph (in Greek) on the relation between national constitutions and Community law.